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GitOps is a cloud-native continuous deployment methodology that uses Git as the single source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications. Changes to infrastructure or applications are made through Git commits, and the actual state is automatically adjusted to match the desired state expressed in the Git repository. This approach provides an audit trail for changes, simplifies rollback, and enhances collaboration and visibility across teams.

The Problem

Terraform itself focuses on managing the state of infrastructure. It does not provide a way of indexing, CI/CD, or collaborating on state. In fact, Terraform really wants to just be a CLI tool that you run locally. The problem is that with all our infrastructure spanning hundreds of stacks we cannot easily see the state of our infrastructure.

Moreover, there could be many different teams of engineers who are responsible for different parts of the infrastructure. How do we enable them to collaborate on the same infrastructure? You will likely need to set up permissions and roles for that, and to future-proof those you'll need someone to govern those roles as teams change and infrastructure evolves.

Lastly we want a way to automate our infrastructure as code. It does little good if code changes are not immediately reflected in the infrastructure. If several code changes happen before infrastructure updates, you could be left with difficult to resolve conflicts.

Our Solution

Spacelift is a hosted service that indexes the state of your infrastructure and provides a way to collaborate on it. It also provides a way to automate gitops and will continuously monitor your infrastructure for changes at a schedule you can configure.

Spacelift breaks down access and gitops with policies that govern what can trigger changes and who can either read or update infrastructure. The policies use rego, an industry standard language for policy as code.

Infrastructure is indexed by resource, label, status, or other facets. Dependencies can also be created between stacks, so that changes in one stack will lock other stacks until changes are done and then ensure that the dependent stacks are updated.

Overall, Spacelift is a comprehensive way to make sure that your infrastructure is easy to automate and manage. Because our solution keeps the state of your infrastructure in S3, you also are not locked in and can use other tools to manage your infrastructure in case either GitHub or Spacelift go down.

Spacelift Stack Lifecycle

Spacelift has its own notion of a "Stack", which is a workspace for Terraform with a slug identitifier. Stacks have a lifecycle that is triggered by events like a git commit or a drift schedule. The lifecycle is as follows:

Runs are what Spacelift uses to scope changes to a given event like a commit SHA. Within the run, Spacelift uses a plan policy to dictate what changes require confirmation and what changes can be applied automatically. After a run is complete, Spacelift will evaluate other trigger policies and dependencies to determine if other stacks need to be updated.


We have three components that implement Spacelift. The first is the spacelift/admin-stack component which creates admin stacks in Spacelift. The second is the spacelift/spaces component which creates Spacelift Spaces and manages policies in those Spaces. The third is the spacelift/worker-pool component which creates a worker pool for Spacelift to use self-hosted workers.

Global Configuration

In order to apply common Spacelift configuration to all stacks, we need to set a few global Spacelift settings. The pr-comment-triggered label will be required to trigger stacks with GitHub comments but is not required otherwise. More on triggering Spacelift stacks to follow.

Add the following to stacks/orgs/NAMESPACE/_defaults.yaml:

workspace_enabled: true # enable spacelift by default
- spacelift-configure-paths
- spacelift-configure-paths
- spacelift-write-vars
- spacelift-tf-workspace
- spacelift-configure-paths
- pr-comment-triggered

Furthermore, specify additional tenant-specific Space configuration for both core and plat tenants.

For example, for core add the following to stacks/orgs/NAMESPACE/core/_defaults.yaml:

space_name: core

And for plat add the following to stacks/orgs/NAMESPACE/plat/_defaults.yaml:

space_name: plat

Admin Stacks

Spacelift allows some stacks to manage other stacks (or even itself). This is useful for making new component instances show up in the Spacelift UI. The spacelift/admin-stack component takes the atmos.yaml and uses it to derive what stacks need to be created in Spacelift. By updating your atmos stacks, you'll see the changes reflected in Spacelift.

Not all stacks are managed by Spacelift. If a management stack sees that a stack does not have workspace_enabled set to true, it will be ignored by the admin stack.

Managed vs. Unmanaged Components
workspace_enabled: true
enabled: true


The spacelift/spaces component maintains Spacelift spaces and configures all policies in those given Spaces. Policy labels can allow policies to be automatically enforced on a given group of stacks. A Spacelift Space is that group.

We deploy spacelift/spaces three times. First we deploy a root Space for all Spacelift administrative resources, and then we deploy two more Spaces for the plat and core tenants. Spacelift exists outside of the AWS ecosystem, so we define these components as outside our standard stack organization.

+ stacks/orgs/NAMESPACE/spacelift.yaml
+ stacks/orgs/NAMESPACE/core/spacelift.yaml
+ stacks/orgs/NAMESPACE/plat/spacelift.yaml

The root Space in Spacelift is responsible for deploying the root administrator stack, admin-stack, and the Spaces component, spaces. Since the root administrator stack is unique to tenants, we modify the stack context to create a unique stack slug, root-gbl-spacelift.

A tenant-specific Space in Spacelift, such as core or plat, includes the administrator stack for that specific Space and all components in the given tenant. This administrator stack uses var.context_filters to select all components in the given tenant and create Spacelift stacks for each. Similar to the root administrator stack, we again create a unique stack slug for each tenant. For example core-gbl-spacelift or plat-gbl-spacelift.

Spacelift Spaces
- mixins/region/global-region
- orgs/acme/_defaults
- catalog/spacelift/admin-stack
- catalog/spacelift/spaces

# These intentionally overwrite the default values
tenant: root
environment: gbl
stage: spacelift

# This root admin stack creates other admin stacks, spacelift/spaces, and spacelift/worker-pool
component: spacelift/admin-stack
- admin-stack/default
root_administrative: true
- root-admin
- admin
enabled: true
root_admin_stack: true # This stack will be created in the root space and will create all the other admin stacks as children.
context_filters: # context_filters determine which child stacks to manage with this admin stack
administrative: true # This stack is managing all the other admin stacks
root_administrative: false # We don't want this stack to also find itself in the config and add itself a second time
- admin
# attachments only on the root stack
- TRIGGER Global Administrator
- GIT_PUSH Global Administrator # Always trigger this stack on pushes to main
# this creates policies for the child admin stacks
- TRIGGER Global Administrator
- GIT_PUSH Global Administrator # Always trigger admin stacks on pushes to main

In the Spacelift UI, you should see the administrator stacks created. Typically these should look similar to the following:

+ root-gbl-spacelift-admin-stack
+ root-gbl-spacelift-spaces
+ core-gbl-spacelift-admin-stack
+ plat-gbl-spacelift-admin-stack
+ core-ue1-auto-spacelift-worker-pool

Worker Pools

The spacelift/worker-pool component creates a worker pool for Spacelift to use. It manages an ASG (Autoscaling Group) in AWS and the instances effectively run drift detection and regular Spacelift stack runs. The component lives in the auto stage since its considered automation infrastructure. Some common things to tweak while working with this component include maximum instances (in-case runs are often blocked by busy workers), and spot pricing (in-case runs are interrupted too frequently during busy times). If you see a stack in a locked state with the run as worker failed, often the instance was interrupted and the ASG events can be investigated for next steps.


Spacelift Worker Pools can quickly become expensive. Spacelift bills per Worker total, and each instance in the Auto Scaling Group can have a number of Spacelift Workers.

By default, we set the max instance count in the Auto Scaling Group to 2 and set the number of Spacelift Workers per instance to 1. This means that the total number of Spacelift Workers can scale to 2 x 1 = 2. Once you become more familiar with Spacelift, scale the workers per instance or scale the number of instances with the spacelift/worker-pool catalog.

spacelift_agents_per_node: 1 # This is the number of Spacelift Workers for each instance
min_size: 1 # This is the minimum number of instances in the Auto Scaling Group
max_size: 2 # This is the maximum number of instances in the Auto Scaling Group

Triggering Spacelift Runs

Cloud Posse recommends two options to trigger Spacelift stacks.

Triggering with Policy Attachments

Historically, all stacks were triggered with three GIT_PUSH policies:

  1. GIT_PUSH Global Administrator triggers admin stacks
  2. GIT_PUSH Proposed Run triggers Proposed runs (typically Terraform Plan) for all non-admin stacks on Pull Requests
  3. GIT_PUSH Tracked Run triggers Tracked runs (typically Terraform Apply) for all non-admin stacks on merges into main

Attach these policies to stacks and Spacelift will trigger them on the respective git push.

Triggering with GitHub Comments (Preferred)

Atmos support for atmos describe affected made it possible to greatly improve Spacelift's triggering workflow. Now we can add a GitHub Action to collect all affected components for a given Pull Request and add a GitHub comment to the given PR with a formatted list of the affected stacks. Then Spacelift can watch for a GitHub comment event and then trigger stacks based on that comment.

In order to set up GitHub Comment triggers, first add the following GIT_PUSH Plan Affected policy to the spaces component.

For example,

component: spacelift/spaces
administrative: true
space_name: root
# This policy will automatically assign itself to stacks and is used to trigger stacks directly from the `cloudposse/github-action-atmos-affected-trigger-spacelift` GitHub action
# This is only used if said GitHub action is set to trigger on "comments"
"GIT_PUSH Plan Affected":
type: GIT_PUSH
- autoattach:pr-comment-triggered

This policy will automatically attach itself to all components that have the pr-comment-triggered label, already defined in stacks/orgs/NAMESPACE/_defaults.yaml under settings.spacelift.labels.

Next, create two new GitHub Action workflows:

+ .github/workflows/atmos-trigger-spacelift-feature-branch.yaml
+ .github/workflows/atmos-trigger-spacelift-main-branch.yaml

The feature branch workflow will create a comment event in Spacelift to run a Proposed run for a given stack. Whereas the main branch workflow will create a comment event in Spacelift to run a Deploy run for those same stacks.

Feature Branch

name: "Plan Affected Spacelift Stacks"

- opened
- synchronize
- reopened
- main

runs-on: ["self-hosted"]
- name: Atmos Affected Stacks Trigger Spacelift
uses: cloudposse/github-action-atmos-affected-trigger-spacelift@v1
atmos-config-path: ./rootfs/usr/local/etc/atmos
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

This will add a GitHub comment such as:

/spacelift preview plat-ue1-sandbox-foobar

Main Branch

name: "Deploy Affected Spacelift Stacks"

types: [closed]
- main

if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
runs-on: ["self-hosted"]
- name: Atmos Affected Stacks Trigger Spacelift
uses: cloudposse/github-action-atmos-affected-trigger-spacelift@v1
atmos-config-path: ./rootfs/usr/local/etc/atmos
deploy: true
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
head-ref: ${{ github.sha }}~1

This will add a GitHub comment such as:

/spacelift deploy plat-ue1-sandbox-foobar

Component Documentation
