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3 docs tagged with "vpn"

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Terraform module to create a peering connection between two VPCs


Terraform module to create a peering connection between any two VPCs existing in different AWS accounts. This module supports performing this action from a 3rd account (e.g. a "root" account) by specifying the roles to assume for each member account. **IMPORTANT:** AWS allows a multi-account VPC Peering Connection to be deleted from either the requester's or accepter's side. However, Terraform only allows the VPC Peering Connection to be deleted from the requester's side by removing the corresponding `aws_vpc_peering_connection` resource from your configuration. [Read more about this]( on Terraform's documentation portal.


Terraform module to provision a [site-to-site]( [VPN connection]( between a VPC and an on-premises network. The module does the following: - Creates a Virtual Private Gateway (VPG) and attaches it to the VPC - Creates a Customer Gateway (CGW) pointing to the provided IP address of the Internet-routable external interface on the on-premises network - Creates a Site-to-Site Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection and assigns it to the VPG and CGW - Requests automatic route propagation between the VPG and the provided route tables in the VPC - If the VPN connection is configured to use static routes, provisions a static route between the VPN connection and the CGW