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Cloud Posse has a great community of active users who are more than willing to help each other. So, join us!

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1 Sign up for our SweetOps Slack

Join our free SweetOps Slack community, hosted by Cloud Posse with more than 9,500 members worldwide. While we primarily address questions in channels like #atmos, #aws, #cloudposse, #geodesic, #github-actions, #refarch, and #terraform, feel free to engage in any channel.

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Reach out in the #refarch channel with questions specific to Cloud Posse architecture.

2 Attend Weekly Office Hours

Sign up for our free public “Office Hours” are held every Wednesday at 11:30am PT (14:30 ET) via Zoom. Past recordings are available on our YouTube channel.

These public calls are hosted weekly by Cloud Posse. They are a good way to keep up with the latest developments and trends in our DevOps community.

Sign Up for Office Hours

3 Are you more into email? Try our Newsletter

Sign up for Cloud Posse's Weekly Newsletter to get the latest news about things happening in our community and other news about building Open Source infrastructure—straight into your inbox.

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