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Proposed: Use Defaults for Components

Needs Update!

The content in this ADR may be out-of-date and needing an update. For questions, please reach out to Cloud Posse

  • The proposal has already been adopted, and this ADR needs to be updated to reflect the final decision.




There are many places to set configurations with various levels of prescedence:

  • As defaults to variables { ... } in .tf files

  • As (or similar file .tfvars file)

  • As configuration in stacks/ or catalogs likestacks/catalog/...

  • As environment variables (e.g. TF_VAR_...)

  • As arguments to terraform plan or terraform apply (e.g. terraform plan -var foo=bar

Developers are confused about where to set variables without a consistent, opinionated convention on how to do it.

Running atmos describe it’s easy to see the deep-merged configuration after all imports have been consumed, however, it doesn’t show what defaults are set in variables { ... } or .tfvars files.

# Ideal outcome (not yet supported)
enabled: true #
nodes: 10 # stacks/catalog/eks/defaults.yaml
min_size: 3 # stacks/uw2-prod.yaml
name: eks # components/terraform/


In Terraform 0.11, regular *.tf files were loaded in alphabetical order, and then override files were applied.

When invoking any command that loads the Terraform configuration, Terraform loads all configuration files within the directory specified in alphabetical order. Override files are the exception, as they're loaded after all non-override files, in alphabetical order.

In the newer Terraform 0.12, the load order of *.tf files is no longer specified. Behind the scenes (in both versions), Terraform reads all of the files in a directory and then determines a resource order that makes sense ignoring the order the files were actually read.

Terraform automatically processes resources in the correct order based on relationships defined between them in configuration, and so you can organize resources into source files in whatever way makes sense for your infrastructure.

In TT 0.11, the auto.tfvars files were loaded in alphabetical order.

In TF 0.12 and newer, it says they are loaded in random order, but that depends on many things, depends on the file system, and we can assume that they can be loaded in the alphabetical order as well.

NOTE: This is a convincing reason to define ALL config in YAML files and not to have at all, especially not to have many auto.tfvars in the same folder with different names and conflicting settings inside them.

Because in this case, the order of operations is NOT defined, and it could succeed in one place (atmos), but fail in another (Spacelift).

Thus our current recommendation is to remove all *.auto.tfvars (e.g. and and put all the configuration for the component into the YAML stack config. This does not only solve the issue described above but allows seeing ALL variables for the component when executing the atmos describe component argo-workflows --stack mgmt-uw2-sandbox command (if some variables are in auto.tfvars files, the command will not see them)

Considered Options

Option 1: Only use Stacks and Catalogs

Avoid all use of .tfvars and just use stacks and catalogs. Avoid any defaults in variable { ... } blocks. Default enabled in to false.

Option 2: Use Stacks, Catalogs and .tfvars

Place the majority defaults in .tfvars with sane defaults and only create archetypes in catalogs. Default archetypes to be enabled.


  • Do not put defaults in

  • Exception: The spacelift component which requires it

  • Exception: Helm releases should have chart name, repo and version in

  • Add defaults to catalog/$component/baseline.yaml where $component usually refers to a component in components/terraform/$component

  • These would generally be of metadata.type=abstract

  • Every component needs an enabled flag which gets passed to all modules as well as toggles any resources in the component itself

  • The enabled flag should be set to true in the catalog/$component/baseline.yaml


  • Provide a way to generate the baseline configurations from the .tfvars and/or the variables { ... }

  • Provide a way to visualize where all the imports happen (almost like a git blame)
