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Proposal: Use Stack Filesystem Layout That Follows AWS Organization Conventions

Date: 27 May 2022

Needs Update!

The content in this ADR may be out-of-date and needing an update. For questions, please reach out to Cloud Posse

  • The proposal has already been adopted, and this ADR needs to be updated to reflect the final decision.




Use Option 4: Use an organization directory.


We have stacks defined all over the place. It’s not clear what is a top-level stack and what is imported. It’s not clear where to define something and where a service is deployed. There are too many ways to do things and we haven’t standardized how we organize configurations across customers.


Considered Options

Option 1: Current

  • stacks/catalog

  • stacks/<tenant>

  • stacks/<env>

✗ tree -L 2 stacks
├── catalog
│ ├── account-map.yaml
│ ├── ...
│ └── waf.yaml
├── core
│ ├── gbl
│ ├── globals.yaml
│ ├── ue1
│ └── ue2
├── gbl
│ ├── artifacts.yaml
│ ...
│ └── staging.yaml
├── globals.yaml
├── plat
│ ├── gbl
│ ├── globals.yaml
│ └── ue2
├── ue1
│ └── globals.yaml
└── ue2
├── audit.yaml
└── staging.yaml

Option 2: Put region within catalog

  • stacks/catalog/<env>

  • stacks/<tenant>

✗ tree -L 3 stacks --dirsfirst
├── catalog
│ ├── argocd
│ │ └── repo
│ ├── gbl
│ │ ├── artifacts.yaml
│ │ └── staging.yaml
│ ├── s3-bucket
│ ├── ue1
│ │ └── globals.yaml
│ ├── ue2
│ │ ├── audit.yaml
│ │ ├── auto.yaml
│ │ ├── corp.yaml
│ │ ├── dev.yaml
│ │ ├── globals.yaml
│ │ ├── marketplace.yaml
│ │ ├── network.yaml
│ │ ├── prod.yaml
│ │ ├── root.yaml
│ │ ├── sandbox.yaml
│ │ └── staging.yaml
│ ├── account-map.yaml
│ └── waf.yaml
├── core
│ ├── gbl
│ │ ├── artifacts.yaml
│ │ └── security.yaml
│ ├── ue1
│ │ ├── globals.yaml
│ │ └── public.yaml
│ ├── ue2
│ │ ├── audit.yaml
│ │ └── root.yaml
│ └── globals.yaml
├── plat
│ ├── gbl
│ │ ├── dev.yaml
│ │ └── staging.yaml
│ ├── ue2
│ │ ├── dev.yaml
│ │ └── staging.yaml
│ └── globals.yaml
└── globals.yaml

Option 3: Put root level stacks in order tenant/account/region instead of tenant/region/account

  • stacks/catalog

  • stacks/mixins/<env>

  • stacks/<tenant>

✗ tree -L 3 stacks --dirsfirst
├── catalog
│ ├── argocd
│ └── waf.yaml
├── mixins
│ ├── gbl
│ │ ├── artifacts.yaml
│ │ └── staging.yaml
│ ├── ue1
│ │ └── globals.yaml
│ └── ue2
│ ├── audit.yaml
│ └── staging.yaml
├── plat
│ ├── gbl
│ │ ├── dev.yaml
│ │ └── staging.yaml
│ ├── ue2
│ │ ├── dev.yaml
│ │ └── staging.yaml
│ └── globals.yaml
├── tenants
│ ├── core
│ │ ├── gbl
│ │ ├── ue1
│ │ ├── ue2
│ │ └── globals.yaml
│ └── plat
│ ├── gbl
│ ├── ue2
│ └── globals.yaml
└── globals.yaml

Option 4: Use an organization directory

Use a filesystem hierarchy that mirrors the AWS hierarchy: Organization → OU → Account → Region → Resources

  • stacks/catalog/

  • e.g. eks/cluster.yaml

  • stacks/mixins/

  • e.g. regions/us-east-1.yaml

  • stacks/orgs/<namespace>/<ou>/<account>/<region>.yaml

namespaceThe namespace for the organization
ouTypically the tenant name
accountThe stage within the tenant
regionThe canonical AWS region

Use fully spelled out canonical region name (e.g. us-east-1)

Use global-region.yaml for resources that are not tied to any particular region (e.g. Route53).

Use _defaults.yaml for any other default settings.



