Module: awsutils
Terraform provider for performing various tasks that cannot be performed with the official AWS Terraform Provider from Hashicorp.
This provider is derived in large parts from the official HashiCorp AWS provider. We copied all the boilerplate
functionality so that it follows the terraform-provider-aws
conventions, but then removed all the standard resources
and added in our own. This module is intended to be used as an escape hatch to accomplish all the hard things that
will never be supported by the official provider due to strong (and valid) opinions of how providers should manage the
lifecycle of a resource. Unfortunately, in the real-world we have to make tradeoffs to get stuff done. That's this
provider in a nutshell.
Here is how to use this provider in your own Terraform code:
terraform {
required_providers {
awsutils = {
source = "cloudposse/awsutils"
version = ">= 0.1.0"
provider "awsutils" {
region = "us-east-2"
See the Docs for additional information.
Here is an example of using this provider:
terraform {
required_providers {
awsutils = {
source = "cloudposse/awsutils"
Here are some additional examples:
Developing the Provider
If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need Go installed on your machine (see Requirements above).
To compile the provider, run go install
. This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the $GOPATH/bin
To generate or update documentation, run go generate
In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests, run make testacc
Note: Acceptance tests create real resources, and often cost money to run.
$ make testacc
Testing Locally
You can test the provider locally by using the provider_installation functionality.
For testing this provider, you can edit your ~/.terraformrc
file with the following:
provider_installation {
dev_overrides {
"cloudposse/awsutils" = "/path/to/your/code/"
# For all other providers, install them directly from their origin provider
# registries as normal. If you omit this, Terraform will _only_ use
# the dev_overrides block, and so no other providers will be available.
direct {}
With that in place, you can build the provider (see above) and add a provider block:
required_providers {
awsutils = {
source = "cloudposse/awsutils"
Then run terraform init
, terraform plan
and terraform apply
as normal.
$ terraform init
Initializing the backend...
Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding latest version of cloudposse/awsutils...
Warning: Provider development overrides are in effect
The following provider development overrides are set in the CLI configuration:
- cloudposse/awsutils in /path/to/your/code/
The behavior may therefore not match any released version of the provider and
applying changes may cause the state to become incompatible with published
terraform apply
Warning: Provider development overrides are in effect
The following provider development overrides are set in the CLI configuration:
- cloudposse/awsutils in /Users/matt/code/src/
The behavior may therefore not match any released version of the provider and
applying changes may cause the state to become incompatible with published
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
Terraform will perform the following actions:
Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.