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This module creates Datadog monitors. It accepts all the configuration parameters supported by the Datadog Terraform resource.


The datadog_monitors input takes a map of test definitions. You must supply the keys for the map, but the values can follow either of two schemas described below.

There are some optional additions to the monitor definition that are not part of the Datadog API schema. These are:

  • force_delete (boolean): If true, when deleting the monitor, the monitor will be deleted even if it is referenced by other resources.
  • validate (boolean): If false, the monitor will not be validated during the Terraform plan phase.
  • enabled (boolean): If false, the monitor will not be created. This is to allow you to suppress a monitor created through merging configuration snippets.


This module provides special handling for tags. The tags attribute of a monitor definition in the Datadog API and the Terraform resource is a list of strings. However, the Cloud Posse (as well as AWS) default is to use a map of strings for tags. This module allows you to provide either a list or a map for the tags.

If you provide a list, it will be used as is. If you provide a map, it will be converted to a list of strings in the format key:value (or key if value is null). If you provide no tag settings at all, not even an empty list or map, the module will use the default tags from the null-label module.

API Schema (preferred)

Datadog provides a REST API for managing monitors. We refer to the responses to the API requests for monitor definitions (GET{monitor_id}) as the "API Schema" for the tests. This should correspond to the documented API "Model" for Monitors plus additional information such as creation date, but if the documentation and the API response differ, we use the API response as the source of truth.

You can retrieve Monitor definitions from Datadog via the Datadog Web Console. Navigate to the monitor you want to retrieve, click the gear icon in the upper right (representing "settings"), and select "Export". This will display a JSON representation of the monitor definition. You can then click the "Copy" button to copy the JSON to the clipboard.

Example of JSON for monitors

Note that many elements of the monitor definition are optional, and the JSON representation will only include the elements that are set. This is an example of a monitor, not a comprehensive list of all possible elements.

"name": "schedule-test",
"type": "event-v2 alert",
"query": "events(\"service:datadog-agent\").rollup(\"cardinality\", \"\").current(\"1h\") > 2345",
"message": "No message",
"tags": [
"options": {
"thresholds": {
"critical": 2345,
"warning": 987
"enable_logs_sample": false,
"notify_audit": false,
"on_missing_data": "default",
"include_tags": false,
"scheduling_options": {
"custom_schedule": {
"recurrences": [
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
"evaluation_window": {
"hour_starts": 7
"priority": 5

You can find other examples in the examples/complete/monitors-test/ directory.

You can then use the jsondecode() function in Terraform to convert the JSON to a Terraform object, and use that object as the value for the monitor definition. You can also transform the JSON to HCL other ways, however you prefer. The relevant point is that this module will accept the monitor definition in this schema. Any field in the API schema that does not have a counterpart in the Terraform schema will be ignored.

Special Notes

The alert_tags input is provided for convenience. It is used to add notification tags to the monitor message. However, it does not check to see if the tags are already present. If the tags are already present, they will still be added again.


If you define a monitor via JSON, and then you use alert_tags when creating it, and then export the JSON representation of the created monitor definition, it will not match because of the added tags.

Note that restricted_roles_map provides a convenient way to specify the restricted_roles attribute of the monitor. This is a map of monitors to sets of Datadog unique role identifiers. If provided, this will override the restricted_roles attribute of the monitor definition. If not provided, the restricted_roles attribute of the monitor definition will be used, if present.


Legacy schema (deprecated)

Historically, and preserved for backward compatibility, you can configure tests using the schema used in v1.3.0 and earlier. This schema flattens the monitor definition, pulling up the options attributes to the top level.

Note that not all fields are supported in this schema, and it is only preserved for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the API schema going forward.