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Integration Action

Terraform module to configure Opsgenie Integration Action

NOTE: your OpsGenie plan must support advanced integrations. Otherwise, you will get the following error back from the API: Your plan does not allow saving advanced integrations..


Create Opsgenie Integration Action example

module "integration_action" {
source = "cloudposse/incident-management/opsgenie//modules/integration_action"
# Cloud Posse recommends pinning every module to a specific version
# version = "x.x.x"

integration_action = {
integration_id = module.api_integration.api_integration_id

create = [
name = "Create Non-informational Alerts"
alias = "{{title}}"
filter = {
type = "match-all-conditions"
conditions = [
field = "priority"
not = true
operation = "equals"
expected_value = "P5"


Note: integration_action is a map for two reasons:

  • to be able to put whole configuration in yaml file
  • variables defined with type set are not robust enough (can't set default values)
integration_action{}This variable is used to configure Opsgenie Integration Action.Yes


integration_action_idThe ID of the Opsgenie Integration Action.