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Implement AWS Cold Start

These documents explain the complete cold-start process required to initialize a net-new AWS Organization using the SweetOps process by Cloud Posse. The cold-start process is the first step in setting up a new AWS Organization and is the most involved part of the process. It requires a lot of manual steps and remediations to bootstrap all the tooling and configurations before we can start to do anything meaningful.

Please take the time to read through the entire process before starting, and reach out if you have any questions!


AWS provides poor documentation for all the steps required for setting up a new AWS Organization. Once the Organization is set up, there’s a lot of manual steps and remediations required to bootstrap all the tooling and configurations before we can start to do anything meaningful.


The purpose of the cold-start process is to provision the initial set of AWS accounts and IAM roles so that users can log in to AWS with existing credentials and build the rest of the infrastructure. Many of the same steps need to be repeated in order to later add a new AWS account or organizational unit, so these documents also implicitly provide guidance for that task.



There are a few things that are required but that change from project to project. To avoid excessive use of generic placeholders in the text, we use the following values as placeholders, and you should change them as needed:

  • acme is the placeholder for the project's namespace. Each project needs to have a project namespace, preferably 3 or 4 letters, that is unique in the Cloud Posse architecture. It is part of every identifier and is what makes it possible to generate globally unique names for things like S3 buckets.

  • uw2 is the placeholder for the chosen abbreviation style of the default AWS Region. If you are using the “tenant” feature, you need to replace uw2 with <tenant>-<environment> where <tenant> is the tenant abbreviation for the tenant holding the root AWS organization and <environment> is the abbreviated default AWS region.

  • "1Password" is the placeholder for the application or system used to store and share secrets like AWS credentials.


This document assumes as a baseline that DevOps and developer personnel who need AWS access have a working computing environment that:

  • Docker installed
  • Has a host file system that containers can access (when properly configured)
  • Can install and run GUI applications (E.g. Leapp)
  • Has bash v3 or newer installed
  • Has git installed
  • Has a GNU Make-compatible version of make installed (e.g. brew install make). NOTE: make version 4.4+ has been known to have issues with our build-harness. If the command times out, please try make 4.3 or earlier.

Typically our recommendation is Docker Desktop running on a local, dedicated (to the user) macOS or Windows computer. If the user cannot install new applications due to administrative restrictions, then all of the above components, plus Leapp, should be pre-installed for them.

Apple M1 Support

Geodesic works on the M1 running as amd64 (not arm64). Docker auto-detects this by default, but otherwise it’s possible to pass --platform linux/amd64 to docker to force the platform.

Geodesic bundles dozens (hundreds?) of executable binaries, of which most do not yet have M1 arm64 versions available to install. In order to support M1, we would need to build (compile and link) Python3 for M1.