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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the included labels?

By default, Cloud Posse includes a few labels for common use-cases. These labels are included with the top level workflows, so they can be modified as desired.

On Pull Requests:

  1. auto-apply - If added, the Atmos Terraform Apply workflow will be triggered for all affected components when the Pull Request is merged.
  2. no-plan - If added, the Atmos Terraform Plan workflow will be skipped on commits to the Pull Request, and the Atmos Apply workflow will be skipped when the Pull Request is merged.

On Issues:

  1. apply - If added, the Atmos Terraform Drift Remediation workflow will be triggered for the given component and stack
  2. drift - This label is added to all Issues created by Atmos Terraform Drift Detection. Remediation will only run on Issues that have this label.
  3. remediated - This label is added to any Issue that has been resolved by Atmos Terraform Drift Remediation

Enabling or disabling components

Components are included in the Atmos GitHub Action workflows only if they have actions enabled with the terraform.settings.github.actions_enabled option.

If they do not have this setting or the value is false, the component may still appear in the list of affected components, but Terraform will not be run against the given component and stack.

Global Defaults

Typically Cloud Posse sets the default value to true for all components and disables individual components on a case-by-case basis.

For example in an acme organization, the default value could be set with stacks/orgs/acme/_defaults.yaml:

# These settings are applied to ALL components by default but can be overwritten
actions_enabled: true

And the account component could be disabled with stacks/catalog/account.yaml:

actions_enabled: false

I cannot assume the gitops role from GitHub Workflows

The following error commonly occurs when setting up gitops roles and permission:

Error: Could not assume role with OIDC: Not authorized to perform sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity

To resolve this error, thoroughly read through each of the Authentication Prerequisites for GitOps setup. In particular, check the capitalization of trusted_github_repos within aws-teams and check the permissions for the workflow in GitHub.

How does GitHub OIDC work with AWS?

Please see How to use GitHub OIDC with AWS