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How to Manage Explicit Component Dependencies with Spacelift


When Spacelift deploys a component into a particular environment it doesn’t natively understand any HCL or what that component needs. Spacelift does not compute any sort of DAG between components the way that Terraform does between resources in the graph of a single root module. If a component relates to other components via a remote state (E.g. our convention using the file in each component's folder), this is not Spacelift’s concern to handle it. Nonetheless, we need to be able to explicitly define cross-component dependencies in order to do things with remote-state.



Our spacelift module will automatically derive dependencies based on imports , which means that and stack configuration (E.g. in catalog/*) that is imported by any other stack configuration, is now an implicit (or derived) dependency of that stack. So that means that when that upstream file that is imported is modified, it will also trigger an plan of any stack that imports it.

  • For example, if you modify globals.yaml, since that file is imported by every single stack, it will trigger every single stack to plan.

  • For example, if you modify something like catalog/rds.yaml, it will only trigger stacks that import that config.

We have a very primitive dependency system based on a custom to depends-on label (depends_on spacelift setting in component configuration) which gets added to labels for the Spacelift stacks to express dependencies. For each stack, in YAML stack config, we allow specifying the stack dependencies on other components in the same environment and on other stacks. We automatically detect if the dependency is a stack or a component in the current stack, and throws an error if it's not a valid stack and not a valid component. Using Spacelift workflows which are simply Rego policies under the wood, we trigger the dependent stacks after the "parent" stacks finish running.

The Rego policy is defined here

For details, see PR that implemented it

Processing Dependencies

Spacelift can only operate on dependency relationships within a single commit. There’s no way to express a dependency relationship for what should happen between multiple commits, e.g. multiple Pull Requests are merged around the same time and requiring components in one stack be applied before other stacks is not possible.

Confifgure Dependencies Between Components with Labels

Use labels in Spacelift to define the dependencies between components

There are many ways to express dependencies. Which to use depends on what you need to accomplish. You can see the dependencies easily in the Spacelift UI by looking at the labels. Not all labels are dependencies, only the ones that begin with deps:or depends-on:. (note, the folders are created similarly by prefixing labels with folder:)

We support globbing with * and ** so you can express things like stacks/uw2/** to match all files recursively in the stacks/uw2 folder.

A component can depend on any folder as part of the VCS. If a change is detected in that folder, then it will trigger a plan. Just prefix the label with deps: and add a /* at the end to match all files.

- deps:component/aurora-postgres-2/*
- deps:uw2/dev/*

A component can express explicit dependencies on other files.

- deps:stacks/catalog/rds-defaults.yaml
- deps:stacks/globals.yaml
- deps:stacks/uw2-dev.yaml
- deps:stacks/uw2-globals.yaml
- deps:config/secrets/dev-internal-secrets.yml

A component can express explicit dependencies on other components in other stacks (e.g. the vpc component in the uw2-dev stack)

- depends-on:uw2-dev-vpc
- depends-on:uw2-dev-dns-delegated
- depends-on:gbl-dns-dns-primary

A component can express explicit dependencies on the current stack (E.g. the vpc) without needing to express the canonical component name.

- depends-on:vpc
- depends-on:dns-delegated
- depends-on:dns-primary

Step-by-Step Process

  1. You use depends_on in YAML like this:

    workspace_enabled: true
    - "access.dms"

    workspace_enabled: true
    depends_on: # Stack dependencies. This stack will be triggered after the parent stack finishes running
    - "dms-iam"
  2. When your spacelift component (which uses parses the YAML, it adds the label to the Spacelift stacks

  3. Spacelift checks the rego policy trigger.dependencies.rego to determine if the label exists on the stack and triggers the dependent stack(s)


    component: aurora-postgres
    workspace_enabled: true
    autodeploy: true
    - "deps:config/secrets/dev-internal-secrets.yml"
    - vpc
    - dns-delegated
    - gbl-dns-dns-primary

    Will associate the following labels in Spacelift with the Stack:

    - deps:stacks/catalog/rds-defaults.yaml
    - deps:stacks/globals.yaml
    - deps:stacks/uw2-dev.yaml
    - deps:stacks/uw2-globals.yaml
    - deps:config/secrets/dev-internal-secrets.yml
    - depends-on:uw2-dev-vpc
    - depends-on:uw2-dev-dns-delegated
    - depends-on:gbl-dns-dns-primary
    - folder:component/aurora-postgres-2
    - folder:uw2/dev


If any of the entries in depends_on is not a valid stack and not a valid component in the current stack, the following errors will be thrown:

Error: Component 'aurora-postgres-2' in stack 'uw2-dev' specifies 'depends_on' dependency 'vpc3',
but 'vpc3' is not a stack and not a terraform component in 'uw2-dev' stack

Error: Component 'aurora-postgres-2' in stack 'uw2-dev' specifies 'depends_on' dependency 'gbl-ops-dns-primary',
but 'gbl-ops-dns-primary' is not a stack and not a terraform component in 'uw2-dev' stack