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How to Upgrade Atmos


You are running an out-of-date version of atmos and need to upgrade it to leverage some new functionality.



Update the ATMOS_VERSION in the Geodesic Dockerfile of your infrastructure repository.

Upgrading from 0.x.x → 1.x


To reduce the number of variables in case something breaks, please make sure all spacelift stacks are in a confirmed state.


Terraform workspaces no longer are tied to root stack names and instead are created from context variables. For the rare scenarios where root stacks do not correlate to their pre-existing terraform workspaces and backwards compatibility is needed, metadata.terraform_workspace (1.3.20+) yaml key would need to be set to the name of the file (without .yaml) for each component in that root stack to prevent a destroy and recreate on each resource.


The administrative stack must have its runner image set to custom Geodesic image built by the monorepo and not the default Spacelift runner image. This is because upgrading to the latest cloud-infrastructure-automation module introduces the Cloud Posse’s utils provider, which requires atmos.yaml.

  1. Update the ATMOS_VERSION in the Geodesic Dockerfile of your infrastructure repository (see “Atmos Versions”)

  2. Remove variant installation from the Dockerfile

  3. Add atmos.yaml to rootfs/usr/local/etc/atmos/atmos.yaml

  4. In rootfs/usr/local/etc/atmos/atmos.yaml file, review the following config:

    excluded_paths is a list of path globs that are NOT top-level stacks and should be excluded from searching by atmos (note that those stack config files are usually imported into top-level stacks). If, for example, the catalog folder is not used, but some other folder(s) are used to keep the imported files, remove the "catalog/**/*" item from the list and add the other folder(s) to exclude them.

    - "globals/**/*"
    - "catalog/**/*"
    - "**/*globals*"
  5. Review all other settings in rootfs/usr/local/etc/atmos/atmos.yaml. For example, if tenant is not in use, modify helm_aws_profile_pattern, cluster_name_pattern and name_pattern settings.

  6. Upgrade spacelift automation module to latest version in the spacelift component

    • Note that the version below shows 0.45.0 but this may not be the latest version

    • Remove the variable var.stack_config_path from components/terraform/spacelift/

    • Remove the following two fields from the Spacelift module invocation and remove locals

      stacks                     = local.stacks
      stack_config_path = var.stack_config_path

      locals {
      config_filenames = fileset(var.stack_config_path, "*.yaml")
      stack_config_files = [for f in local.config_filenames : f if(replace(f, "globals", "") == f)]
      stacks = [for f in local.stack_config_files : trimsuffix(basename(f), ".yaml")]

  7. Update the file components/terraform/spacelift/ to the latest version (take it from

  8. Update the file .spacelift/config.yml with the following content

    version: "1"

    - spacelift-write-vars
    - spacelift-tf-workspace

    before_plan: []

    before_apply: []

    AWS_CONFIG_FILE: /etc/aws-config/aws-config-cicd
    # replace <namespace> with your namespace and remove this comment
    AWS_PROFILE: <namespace>-gbl-identity
    ATMOS_BASE_PATH: /mnt/workspace/source

    before_init: []
    before_plan: []
    before_apply: []

  9. Update the file rootfs/usr/local/bin/spacelift-tf-workspace with the following content


    # Add -x for troubleshooting
    set -ex -o pipefail

    terraform init -reconfigure

    echo "Selecting Terraform workspace..."
    echo "...with AWS_PROFILE=$AWS_PROFILE"

    atmos terraform workspace "$ATMOS_COMPONENT" --stack="$ATMOS_STACK"

    # Remove -x for security
    set -e +x

  10. Update the file rootfs/usr/local/bin/spacelift-write-vars to look like the following


    # Add -x for troubleshooting
    set -ex -o pipefail

    function main() {
    if [[ -z $ATMOS_STACK ]] || [[ -z $ATMOS_COMPONENT ]]; then
    echo "Missing required environment variable" >&2
    echo " ATMOS_STACK=$ATMOS_STACK" >&2
    return 3

    echo "Writing Stack variables to for Spacelift..."

    atmos terraform write varfile "$ATMOS_COMPONENT" \
    --stack="$ATMOS_STACK" -f > /dev/null
    jq . <


    # Remove -x for security
    set -e +x

  11. Make sure the Spacelift scripts are executable by running chmod +x rootfs/usr/local/bin/spacelift*

  12. Also change for each component. Since the new atmos 1.x retrieves the stacks dynamically, we do

    Before in atmos 0.x

    module "state" {
    source = "cloudposse/stack-config/yaml//modules/remote-state"
    version = "0.19.0"

    stack_config_local_path = "../../../stacks"
    component = lookup(each.value, "component", each.key)

    context = module.this.context

    After in atmos 1.x (use the latest version of remote-state)

    module "eks" {
    source = "cloudposse/stack-config/yaml//modules/remote-state"
    # use the latest version
    version = "0.22.3"

    component = "eks"

    context = module.this.context

    To script this, you can use tfupdate or hcledit.

    hcledit (use the latest version of remote-state)

    apt update && apt install -y hcledit
    find . -name > remote-state-files
    cat remote-state-files | \
    while read remotestatefile; do \
    hcledit block list --file $remotestatefile | \
    while read block; do \
    echo "hcledit attribute set $block.version '\"0.22.3\"' --file $remotestatefile -u"; \
    echo "hcledit attribute rm $block.stack_config_local_path --file $remotestatefile -u"; \
    done >
    chmod +x
  13. Bump Geodesic to the latest like 1.2.1. This is so the ATMOS_BASE_PATH env var no longer needs to be set

  14. Run make all to build a new container

  15. Change directory into the root path of your repository within /localhost

  16. Set the export ATMOS_BASE_PATH=$(pwd)env var if it’s not already set

  17. Run atmos terraform plan vpc --stack <STACKNAME> and other atmos commands as a test

  18. Open a pull request with the changes described above

  19. After approval, merge the PR into the default branch

  20. Rebuild the Docker image and push the latest version to the Docker registry used by Spacelift (usually ECR) with the tag latest. This is required for the changes to the Spacelift files in rootfs/usr/local/bin/ to take effect, and is usually done by automation like calling a GitHub Actions or executing a Codefresh pipeline.

  21. Confirm that the infrastructure stack and components' stacks are operational in Spacelift


Failed local runs

│ Error:
│ No stack config files found in the provided paths:
│ - /localhost/git/infrastructure/components/terraform/compliance/stacks/**/*

This means that the ATMOS_BASE_PATH (different for everyone, should be set to the absolute path of the repo root) is most likely unset or an older version of atmos is used.

$ atmos version

If it still fails, try running an atmos terraform clean command to remove any stale data like a stale .terraform.lock.hcl file and rerun.

Failed Spacelift runs

Any stack failures may be due to stacks pinned to a specific old hash even if it points to the default branch. Each failed stack should point to the latest HEAD because the latest will contain the ATMOS_BASE_PATH env var set in the .spacelift/config.

To do this, for each failed stack

  1. Navigate to the stack
  2. Go to stack settings
  3. Change branch to something else
  4. Change it back to the original branch (like main or whatever the default branch is)
  5. Retrigger

and it should show up as “Unconfirmed” or “No changes” as expected.

Atmos Versions

Remote state module Versions

Open Issues