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Learn about the essential tools Cloud Posse uses to manage infrastructure as code. This guide covers the Geodesic Toolbox Container for standardizing development environments, the Atmos framework for implementing conventions and workflows, Terraform for managing cloud infrastructure, and GitHub Actions for CI/CD automation.

1 Geodesic Toolbox Container for DevOps

We run most of our tools inside of this container. It's a great way to standardize your development environment and tooling across your team.

2 Atmos Framework

Atmos brings the framework and conventions. Learn more about Atmos, by visiting the Atmos Documentation.

  • Components
  • Stacks
  • Vendoring
  • Workflows

3 Terraform

Terraform is the infrastructure as code tool used to manage your cloud infrastructure, called by Atmos.

  • Terraform Providers
  • Terraform Modules
  • Terraform "Root Modules" (aka "Components")

4 GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is the CI/CD tool that we use to automate everything.

  • Self-hosted Runners
  • GitHub Actions
  • GitHub Actions Workflows