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Frequently asked questions about ECS with Cloud Posse's reference architecture.

How do I add a new service to an existing ECS cluster?

Add a new instance of the ecs-service component to your stack configuration. The component will automatically detect the ECS cluster and add the service to it.

How can I add AWS Policies to my ECS Tasks?

Use the task_policy_arns to attach policies to individual tasks, this allows those tasks to access AWS resources.

- arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess

How can I inject secrets into my ECS Service?

Use the map_secrets variable which maps a environment variable key to an SSM param store key. This will inject the value of the SSM param store key into the environment variable.

SECRET_KEY: /my/secret/key

How can we create Self Hosted Runners for GitHub with ECS?

If we are not deploying EKS for our platform, it doesn't make much sense to configure EKS solely for self-hosted runners. Instead, we deploy the Philips Labs Action Runners and connect those instances to GitHub.

For more on self-hosted GitHub Runners, see github-runners.