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Access Control Architecture

This document describes the architecture and design concept of the access control system in the current Cloud Posse reference architecture, including the "Dynamic Terraform Roles" feature.

For information about earlier versions of the access control architecture and design, See AWS Access Control Evolution.

  • A person's access to resources is controlled by IAM policies attached to IAM roles in AWS accounts.
  • The aws-team-roles component is deployed to an account to create its IAM policies and roles, attach policies to the roles, and configure access to the roles themselves.
  • The Cloud Posse reference architecture supports 3 mechanisms that allow a person to access (assume) a role in an account:
    • Cloud Posse's aws-teams component deployed to a dedicated identity account. This is based on recommendations from AWS and Google, and implements a hub-and-spoke pattern where users log into an IAM Role or Identity Center Permission Set in the identity account, and then access other accounts by assuming roles in them. We call the Role or Permission Set in the identity account a "team", because it acts in much the same way that "groups" do in other access control systems: many people can be members of a team, and the rest of the access control system is configured to grant or deny access to teams rather than individuals.
    • They can assume a role using by logging directly into it via an external Identity Provider (IdP)
    • They can assume a role using by logging into the AWS IAM Identity Center (formerly AWS SSO) via an external Identity Provider (not covered here)
  • For software running on resources in AWS accounts, AWS provides, and Cloud Posse supports, mechanisms for providing an initial role. Once the software is running, it can assume other roles as needed.
  • Terraform has special support and requirements (explained below).

Logging in via an IdP is usually a multistep manual process that would be tedious and annoying to have to do multiple times an hour. Conversely, AWS provides tools that makes changing roles very easy, sometimes even automatic. Because of this, and because automated processes can only access roles (other than their initial roles) by changing roles, a hub-and-spoke pattern was developed where certain roles are defined as "identity" roles, meant to be initial points of access, and other roles, the ones used to interact with resources, are defined to allow access by being assumed from identity roles. This pattern is implemented by both the Cloud Posse reference architecture and AWS IAM Identity Center.

As an administrator, you set up people in your Identity Provider (usually either Google or Okta) and configure their access to resources. (The details of how to do that are beyond the scope of this document.) For someone like a junior developer who only needs access to a single "sandbox" account, or an auditor who only needs access to the "audit" account, you can set up their access so that they can log in directly to a role in the account. For someone who needs access to multiple accounts, you can set up their access so that they can log into a role in the "identity" account (which Cloud Posse refers to as a "team"), and then can assume roles in other accounts from there.

In order for an Identity Provider to be able to log someone into a role in an AWS account, the account must be configured to trust the Identity Provider to do so. This is done with the aws-saml component. This is detailed further below, but the key points are:

  • The aws-saml component must be deployed to every account the Identity Provider wants to log people into.
  • The aws-saml component should always be deployed to the "identity" account.
  • Typically, the aws-saml component is deployed once and only needs updating when certificates expire. It does not have to be updated when users, roles, or policies change.


Policies, Roles, and Accounts

The most fundamental layers of access control are the AWS account and the Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies. For a person to be able to do anything, they need to be able to assume an IAM role in an AWS account, and that role has to have IAM policies attached to it that grant the permissions needed to do the work.

Policies and Roles

An IAM Policy defines a set of permissions that a user or service can be granted. A policy can be "attached" to a user, group, or role, although for our purposes we will limit our discussion to roles. The role has the permissions defined by all the policies attached to it.

An IAM role groups permissions into a single entity that allows many users to share the same permissions by allowing them to "assume" the role. Several people can be allowed to assume the same role, and each person can assume multiple roles.

AWS provides a number of "AWS managed" policies that provide common sets of permissions and are usually attached by themselves to IAM roles. For example, the AdministratorAccess role provides full access to all AWS services. The PowerUserAccess role provides full access to all AWS services except for management of users and groups. The ReadOnlyAccess role provides read-only access to all AWS services. The ViewOnlyAccess role provides read-only access to most AWS services except where such access might allow the user to see secret or sensitive information.

AWS also allows users to define their own policies, called "Customer Managed Policies".


An AWS account is a logical grouping of resources. The architecture of IAM Policies makes it difficult to allow access to some resources in an account but not others of the same kind. However, by default, any access granted to resources in one account does not grant access to resources in another account. So we use accounts to group resources that we want to share and separate out resources that we want to keep restricted.

Cloud Posse's reference architecture uses a number of accounts to separate out resources in this way. Here is a sample of the accounts we use:

Holds the production resources for the company, the ones that provide the company's services to its customers.
Holds the development resources for the company, the ones that are used to develop the company's services.
Holds the logs and other resources that are used to audit the other accounts.

Hopefully you can see how this separation allows us to give developers access to the resources they need, perhaps giving them full administrative access to the plat-dev account, while restricting their access to the plat-prod account to read-only access and cutting off all access to the core-audit account. At the same time, we can give auditors access to the core-audit account without giving them access to the plat-dev or plat-prod accounts. This separation helps to ensure that no one can make changes to critical resources and then cover their tracks by erasing audit trails. This is just one example of how the separation of accounts can be used to provide security.

Create policies and roles in accounts

Cloud Posse provides the aws-team-roles component to create policies and roles in accounts (and configure access to them, which will be discussed below).

For each account, the aws-team-roles component creates a set of roles with specified policies attached. (See the aws-team-roles component's documentation for more details.) For ease of administration, auditing, and comprehension, Cloud Posse recommends that you use the same set of roles in each account. For example, you might have admin, developer, and reader roles in each account. The admin role would have the AdministratorAccess policy attached, the developer role would have the PowerUserAccess policy attached, and the reader role would have the ReadOnlyAccess policy attached. This way, you can easily see what permissions a user has in each account by looking at the roles they are allowed to assume.

Cloud Posse creates 2 special roles in each account: terraform and planner. The terraform role is used by Terraform to create and manage resources in the account. Any user who needs to make changes to resources via Terraform should be allowed to assume this role. The planner role can be used by Terraform to plan changes to resources in the account. Users who need to be able to plan changes to resources via Terraform but who are not allowed to make changes should be allowed to assume this role.

Identity and Authentication

The next layer of access control is the identity and authentication layer. This layer is responsible for determining who is allowed to assume a role in an account and gain the corresponding permissions.

Identity providers

An identity provider (IdP) is a service that provides a way to authenticate a user and determine their identity. The identity provider provides a company with a central place to grant (and limit) access to services for its employees and other individuals. Identity providers are enabled account-by-account via the aws-saml component.

The most common identity providers Cloud Posse's customers use are Google and Okta. These services provide a way for users to log in and prove their identity to the identity provider. The identity provider then provides a way for other services to verify that the user has been authenticated and is permitted to access the service. In the case of Google and Okta, this is done using SAML.

Trust relationships

Here is where things can start to become hard to follow.

In order for a user to assume a role in an account, AWS needs to know that the user is authorized to do so. Each role in an account has a "trust policy" (also called an "assume role policy") that configures who can assume that role. A role's trust policy can be configured to allow other AWS roles, in the same or other accounts, to assume it. So, once you are in a role, that role can be used to grant you access to other roles. This is called "role chaining", and Cloud Posse's reference architecture leverages this heavily, as will be explained below, but you do not have to use role chaining if you prefer not to.

A trust relationship between an IdP (using SAML) and an AWS account is established by creating what AWS calls an "IAM SAML Identity Provider" in the account. (Cloud Posse sometimes calls this as "SAML Connector".) Cloud Posse provides the aws-saml component to facilitate managing this via Terraform, but there remain some manual steps since the Identity Provider itself is not configurable via Terraform. (See the aws-saml component's documentation for more details.)

Once the trust relationship between the IdP and the AWS account is established, each role within the account can use its trust policy to allow the IdP to assume it. This is how users get into their initial roles.

The chain of trust

Let's review two ways to get into a role in an account. Say that both the plat-dev and plat-prod accounts have the terraform and planner roles. We want to allow user Sandy to be able to assume the terraform role in the plat-dev account (in order to be able to make changes by running terraform apply) and the planner role in the plat-prod account (in order to see if changes need to be made, by running terraform plan, while not being allowed to actually make changes).

Option 1: Login per account

One way to do this is for a user named Sandy is:

  1. Configure your AWS Organization to use the AWS Identity Center (formerly AWS SSO).
  2. Give Sandy access to Permission Sets in the target accounts with the desired access.
  3. If you want Sandy to be able to run Terraform in the account, give that Permission Set access to the Terraform state via the tfstate-backend component.
Option 2: Role chaining

Option 1 makes sense when a user only needs to assume one role in one account, or if a user has a unique pattern of access to different accounts. However, if a group of users all need to be able to assume the same set of multiple roles in multiple accounts, it is more convenient to use role chaining via what Cloud Posse calls aws-teams.

Let's say that Sandy, from the previous example, is one of several developers who all need to be able to assume the terraform role in the plat-dev account and the planner role in the plat-prod account. We can create a team called developers and give all the developers access to that team. Then we can configure the terraform role in the plat-dev account and the planner role in the plat-prod account to allow the developers team to assume them. Now, when Sandy logs into the IdP and selects the developers team, Sandy will be able to assume the terraform role in the plat-dev account and the planner role in the plat-prod account.

As an added bonus, for the special cases of using Terraform or accessing a Kubernetes cluster, we can configure the cross-account access to be automatic. This means that Sandy can log in once and access all the accounts and roles that Sandy needs to access without having to log in again or perform some kind of manual role switching.

The developers team, and Sandy's access to it, is implemented as follows:

  • Deploy the aws-saml component to the core-identity account.
  • Create the developers team in core-identity using the aws-teams component, and set aws_saml_login_enabled to true.
  • Configure the terraform role in plat-dev and the planner role in plat-prod to allow the developers team to assume them by including the developers team in the trusted_teams list for each role.
  • Configure Sandy's account in the IdP to allow Sandy to assume the developers role in the core-identity account.

Sandy can then log into the IdP and select the developers team to gain access to the core-identity account. From there, running any Terraform against any Cloud Posse Terraform component will automatically assume the terraform role when operating on the plat-dev account or the planner role when operating on the plat-prod account.

Similarly, via the eks/cluster component, the developers team can be given access to any RBAC role in any EKS clusters in any account, as desired. For example, developers can be given access to cluster-admin in the plat-dev cluster and view in the plat-prod cluster. They can then use kubectl and other Kubernetes tools to access the clusters without having to log in again or perform some kind of manual role switching ( though of course they will need to switch kubectl contexts).

Terraform Support

Because of the special role Terraform plays in maintaining the infrastructure, the Cloud Posse reference architecture includes special support for Terraform.

To use Terraform, you need 2 kinds of access:

  1. Access to the Terraform state backend (S3 and DynamoDB)
  2. Access to the AWS account where the infrastructure is deployed

When granting access to Terraform to a new user, you must ensure that the user has both kinds of access.

Access to the Terraform state backend

  • The tfstate-backend component manages the Terraform state backend (S3 and DynamoDB) in the root (organization management) account.
  • It creates a special role in the root account for read/write access to the Terraform state bucket and DynamoDB table.
  • In order to use Terraform to manage the infrastructure, you must be able to assume this role. Assuming the role is handled automatically, but you still need to have permission to assume the role. This permission is granted by tfstate-backend (allowed_roles).

For complicated technical reasons, at present anyone who needs any kind of access to Terraform needs to be able to assume the role that gives them read/write access to the entire Terraform state backend. This is mainly a limitation of Terraform itself. There are some workarounds, but they all have significant trade-offs. Contact Cloud Posse if you need to discuss this further.

Access to the AWS account where the infrastructure is deployed

For users who directly log into an account, they can use Terraform to manage the infrastructure in that account to the extent their IAM permissions allow. However, their role needs to be explicitly granted access to the Terraform state backend (see previous section).

For users in teams, they should run Terraform from the team access role in the identity account. This role also needs explicit access to the Terraform state backend, but this is usually enabled in the initial configuration. The teams' access to Terraform is implemented as follows:

  • The aws-team-roles component manages the roles in the AWS accounts.
  • It creates 2 special roles in each account to allow Teams to run Terraform in that account: terraform and planner.
  • To enable a team to run terraform plan and terraform apply in an account, add the team to the trusted_teams list for the terraform role in that account.
  • To enable a team to run terraform plan but NOT terraform apply in an account, add the team to the trusted_teams list for the planner role in that account.

Roles are assumed automatically

When you run Terraform, 2 roles are automatically assumed:

  1. The role that gives you access to the Terraform state backend (see earlier section)
  2. The role that gives you access to the AWS account where the infrastructure is deployed

As a team member, the role for #2 is terraform if you are allowed to access it, otherwise it is planner. However, if you are not allowed access to either terraform or planner, then your current role is checked:

  • If your current role is a role in the target account, then that role will be used (no role will be assumed)
  • If your current role is a role in the root account, then the target account's OrganizationAccountAccessRole role will be assumed
  • Otherwise, Terraform will try to assume the terraform role in the target account and would be expected to fail