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Decide on Hostname Scheme for Service Discovery

Context and Problem Statement

We need a consistent way of naming resources. Also please see related design-decision concerning DR implications.

This is not an easily reversible decision once whatever convention is in use across services.

Considered Options

  1. Multi-cloud? e.g. AWS, GCP, Azure (we recommend baking the cloud into the service discovery domain. See Decide on Service Discovery Domain)

  2. Multi-region? Decide on Primary AWS Region

  3. Pet or Cattle? → Blue/green or multi-generational

  4. Short or Long region name? see Decide on Regional Naming Scheme

  5. Does it extend all the way down to the VPC? (we do not recommend this due to excessive subnet allocations and complications around network routing)

  6. Too many DNS zone delegations add latency to DNS lookups due to having to jump between nameservers

We typically use the following convention with tenants

  • $service.$region.$account.$tenant.$tld

  • e.g. where platform is the tenant

Or without tenants:

  • $service.$region.$account.$tld

  • e.g. without a tenant

The question is now what to do for the $service name. Using eks is visually appealing but treating the cluster like a named pet. If in the future we want to support multiple generations of clusters, we may want to consider this in whatever convention.

We may want to consider that following convention:

  • $service-$color.$region.$account.$tld with a CNAME of $service.$region.$account.$tld pointing to the live cluster

  • e.g.