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Decide on VPC Network Traffic Isolation Policy

Context and Problem Statement

Describe why we are making this decision or what problem we are solving.

Considered Options

Both options support principles of least privilege.

Our Recommendation is to use Option 1 because it is the easiest to administer and reduces the complexity of the

network architecture


  • Use Security Group ACLs to easily restrict service-to-service communication using Security Group IDs.

  • Elastic network that doesn’t require advanced insights into the size and growth of the workloads


  • Security Groups have limited flexibility across regions: e.g. Security Group ACLs only work with CIDRs across regions (and not by Security Group ID)

  • Harder to monitor traffic between workloads

Option 2 - Use a Custom Subnet Strategy Based on Workload


  • More easily restrict network traffic across regions and data centers

  • Follows principles of Least-privilege

  • Also compatible with using Security Group ACLs for an additional layer of security

  • Easier to monitor traffic between workloads


  • Requires advanced planning to identify and allocate all workloads and IP space

  • Harder to scale elastically

  • Puts a large burden on network administrators

  • Large route tables, complicated transit gateway rules

  • Requires active monitoring to ensure subnets are not at capacity
