Design Decisions
Review the key design decisions for how you'll implement CI/CD for your applications.
Docker Registry
Choose the right method to distribute Docker images
Argo CD Architecture
Considerations for deploying Argo CD
ArgoCD Deployment Repos
Structure for Argo CD deployment repositories
Branching Strategy
Branching strategies for your software delivery
App Migration
Identify applications that should migrate to the new platform
Database Seeding Strategy
What data should be used in preview environments
GitHub Actions Workflow Organization Strategy
Decide where GitHub Actions workflows are kept
Hot-fixes and Rollbacks
Decide how to revert changes
ECS App Deployment
Decide how to deploy applications to ECS
Kubernetes Application Delivery
How to package and deploy applications to Kubernetes
Maintenance Page
Decide how to deliver maintenance pages
Pipeline Strategy
Decide what CI/CD pipelines are needed to deliver your software
Release Promotion Strategy
Decide how releases are promoted from dev to production
Repositories Strategy
Decide whether to use monorepos or polyrepos
Seeding Strategy for Staging
Decide what data belongs in Staging
GitHub Runners
Decide on how to self-host GitHub Runners
Continuous Integration
Decide on what happens during the CI process
Developer Environments
Decide on how developers will work with the application locally
Preview Environments
Decide how preview environments will work
Terraform Configuration Pattern
Decide how to configure applications
Software Delivery
Decide on how to release software changes to production
Secrets Management
How to manage and orchestrate secrets for your applications