Decide on Maintenance Page Solution

When your sites go down, we need to be able to communicate more graciously to customers that you’re having issues than a generic “502 Bad Gateway” message.
Specifically, this decision relates to services behind an ALB. CloudFront and S3 are out of scope.
We recommend deploying a static maintenance page. The industry best practice is to host the downtime page on a cloud provider that does not share infrastructure with your primary cloud provider. E.g. S3 is not recommended, as even S3 has gone down. That said, using a separate cloud provider is a micro-optimization for a very narrow set of failure scenarios.
Some related considerations are how the maintenance page will be activated.
Considered Options
There are a few options:
Option 1
Use route53 health checks. Cloud Posse does not recommend it because poorly implemented DNS-clients clients may cache the downtime host.
Use CloudFront dynamically redirect to downtime page using an Origin Group with fail-over.
Here’s a simple example using terraform
to provision a maintenance page on Cloud Flare.
Option 3 (Recommended)
Use ALB with fixed response
with iframe (not ideal) to S3 static site -
populated with HTML fromfile
with inline CSS, SVGs, etc. and no external dependencies (if possible) -
Add GA code for analytics