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Decide on ArgoCD Deployment Repo Architecture


ArgoCD synchronizes the state of Kubernetes with some repo/branch/directory in your VCS system. There’s no canonical way to do it. There are many variations as well.


  • 1 repo per cluster

  • 1 repo for multiple clusters, multiple repos for multiple groups of clusters

  • 1 branch per cluster

  • 1 directory per cluster


The more repos, the harder to update multiple clusters at a time

The more clusters in one repo, the larger the git commit history

With one repo per cluster, every time a new clsuter is created, a new repo needs to be created as well.

With fewer repos, the more contention working with Git. Git sucks for high throughput.


Our recommendation is ~3 repos, with multiple clusters in each:

  • prod (all production clusters)

  • use main branch to represent deployed state for all clusters

  • use one directory per cluster, namespace

  • use branch protections to restrict commits

  • non-prod (all non-production clusters)

  • use main branch to represent deployed state for all clusters

  • use one directory per cluster, namespace

  • use branch protections to restrict commits

  • preview (all preview environments)

  • avoid polluting the git history

  • no branch protections