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Decide on Terraform Configuration Pattern for Application Repositories

Context and Problem Statement

The infrastructure monorepo that exists within an organization is responsible for configuring the core infrastructure of the organization: AWS accounts, VPCs, Kubernetes clusters, Route53, etc. However, AWS resources and/or other dependencies specific to a single application — such as a single S3 bucket — is not in the scope of the infrastructure monorepo, and should be managed externally, such that developers responsible for the application in question can manage its dependencies via infrastructure-as-code.

Considered Options

In-repo Terraform

A Terraform configuration can be placed within the application repository and automated using atmos. This Terraform configuration requires the mixin in order to be able to read the state of components in the infrastructure monorepo, for example from the eks component.


This implementation is described in detail in the following guide: How to Manage Terraform Dependencies in Micro-service Repositories .


The Terraform configuration within the application repository should have resources pertaining specifically to that application, specifically for the regional stack configured by atmos (see previous section). This includes:

  • An IAM Role for a ServiceAccount for that application (see: IRSA)

  • An S3 bucket for the application

  • An SNS topic for the application

  • etc.

These Terraform resources are not limited to the AWS provider. Other valid types of resources include:

  • LaunchDarkly Feature Flags

  • Datadog Monitors
