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Module: github-action-token-rotator

This module deploys a lambda function that runs as a GitHub Application and periodically gets a new GitHub Runner Registration Token from the GitHub API. This token is then stored in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.


module "github_action_token_rotator" {
source = "cloudposse/github-action-token-rotator/aws"
# Cloud Posse recommends pinning every module to a specific version
# version = "x.x.x"
parameter_store_token_path = "/github/runners/cloudposse/registrationToken"
parameter_store_private_key_path = "/github/runners/cloudposse/privateKey"
github_app_id = "111111"
github_app_installation_id = "22222222"
github_org = "cloudposse"

Quick Start

  1. Browse to{YOUR_ORG}/settings/apps and click the New GitHub App button
  2. Set the name to "GitHub Action Token Rotator"
  3. Set the Homepage URL to
  4. Uncheck the Active checkbox under the Webhook heading
  5. Select Read and write under Organization permissions -> Self-hosted runners
  6. Click the Create GitHub App button at the bottom of the page
  7. Under the Client secrets section, click the Generate a new client secret button
  8. Copy the Client secret to a safe place, it will be needed to install the app
  9. Under the Private key section, click the Generate a private key button
  10. Download the private key to a safe place, it will be needed to install the app
  11. Convert the private key to a PEM file using the following command: openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in {DOWNLOADED_FILE_NAME}.pem -out private-key-pkcs8.key
  12. Base64 encode the private key using the following command: cat private-key-pkcs8.key | base64
  13. Copy the Base64 value to AWS SSM Parameter store at /github/runners/${YOUR_GITHUB_ORG}/privateKey