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Module: ssm-parameter-store-policy-documents

This module generates JSON documents for restricted permission sets for AWS SSM Parameter Store access. Helpful when combined with terraform-aws-ssm-parameter-store


Create a policy that allows access to write all parameters

module "ps_policy" {
source = "git::"

resource "aws_iam_policy" "ps_write" {
name_prefix = "write_any_parameter_store_value"
path = "/"
policy = "${module.ps_policy.write_parameter_store_policy}"

Create a policy that allows managing all policies

module "ps_policy" {
source = "git::"

resource "aws_iam_policy" "ps_manage" {
name_prefix = "manage_any_parameter_store_value"
path = "/"
policy = "${module.ps_policy.manage_parameter_store_policy}"

Create a policy that allows reading all parameters that start with a certain prefix

module "ps_policy" {
source = "git::"
parameter_root_name = "/cp/dev/app"


resource "aws_iam_policy" "ps_manage" {
name_prefix = "write_specific_parameter_store_value"
path = "/"
policy = "${module.ps_policy.manage_parameter_store_policy}"

Create a kms policy to allow decrypting of the parameter store values

module "kms_key" {
source = "git::"
namespace = "cp"
stage = "prod"
name = "app"
description = "KMS key"
deletion_window_in_days = 10
enable_key_rotation = "true"
alias = "alias/parameter_store_key"

module "ps_policy" {
source = "git::"
parameter_root_name = "/cp/dev/app"
kms_key = "${module.kms_key.key_arn}"


resource "aws_iam_policy" "ps_kms" {
name_prefix = "decrypt_parameter_store_value"
path = "/"
policy = "${module.ps_policy.manage_kms_store_policy}"

Create a policy for another account, or region

module "ps_policy" {
source = "git::"
parameter_root_name = "/cp/dev/app"
account_id = "783649272629220"
region = "ap-southeast-2"


resource "aws_iam_policy" "ps_manage" {
name_prefix = "manage_any_parameter_store_value"
path = "/"
policy = "${module.ps_policy.manage_parameter_store_policy}"


No requirements.




No modules.


aws_caller_identity.defaultdata source
aws_iam_policy_document.manage_kms_storedata source
aws_iam_policy_document.manage_parameter_storedata source
aws_iam_policy_document.put_xray_tracedata source
aws_iam_policy_document.read_parameter_storedata source
aws_iam_policy_document.write_parameter_storedata source
aws_region.defaultdata source


account_idThe account id of the parameter store you want to allow access to. If none supplied, it uses the current account id of the provider.string""no
kms_keyThe arn of the KMS key that you want to allow access to. If empty it uses a wildcard resource (*).string""no
parameter_root_nameThe prefix or root parameter that you want to allow access to.string""no
regionThe region of the parameter store value that you want to allow access to. If none supplied, it uses the current region of the provider.string""no


manage_kms_store_policyA JSON policy document that allows decryption access to a KMS key.
manage_parameter_store_policyA JSON policy document that allows full access to the parameter store.
put_xray_trace_policyA JSON policy document that allows putting data into x-ray for tracing parameter store requests.
read_parameter_store_policyA JSON policy document that only allows read access to the parameter store.
write_parameter_store_policyA JSON policy document that only allows write access to the parameter store.