This component is responsible for provisioning the full account hierarchy along with Organizational Units (OUs)
Amazon Web Services provider.
View All TagsThis component is responsible for provisioning the full account hierarchy along with Organizational Units (OUs)
This component is responsible for provisioning information only: it simply populates Terraform state with data (account ids, groups, and roles) that other root modules need via outputs
This component is responsible for requesting service quota increases
This component is responsible for provisioning account level settings: IAM password policy, AWS Account Alias, EBS encryption, and Service Quotas
This component is responsible for requesting an ACM certificate for a domain and adding a CNAME record to the DNS zone to complete certificate validation
This component creates a Helm release for [actions-runner-controller](https://github
This component is responsible for creating an administrative [stack](https://docs
This component is responsible for provisioning a generic Application Load Balancer
This component creates a Helm release for [alb-controller](https://github
This component deploys a Kubernetes `IngressClass` resource for the AWS Load Balancer Controller
This component provisions a Kubernetes Service that creates an ALB for a specific [IngressGroup]
This component is responsible for provisioning AWS Amplify apps, backend environments, branches, domain associations, and webhooks
This component is responsible for setting the global, regional settings required to allow API Gateway to write to CloudWatch logs
This component is responsible for deploying an API Gateway REST API
This component is responsible for provisioning an API Key for an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace
This component is responsible for provisioning [Argo CD](https://argoproj
This component is responsible for creating and managing an ArgoCD desired state repository
This component is responsible for provisioning an Amazon Athena workgroup, databases, and related resources
This component is responsible for provisioning Aurora MySQL RDS clusters
This component is responsible for provisioning Aurora MySQL resources: additional databases, users, permissions, grants, etc
This component is responsible for provisioning Aurora Postgres RDS clusters
This component is responsible for provisioning Aurora Postgres resources: additional databases, users, permissions, grants, etc
This component is responsible for provisioning an AWS Backup Plan
This component is responsible for configuring AWS Config
This component is responsible for provisioning an [AWS Inspector](https://docs
This component is responsible for configuring Inspector V2 within an AWS Organization
This component is responsible for provisioning SAML metadata into AWS IAM as new SAML providers
This component is responsible for enabling AWS Shield Advanced Protection for the following resources: - Application Load Balancers (ALBs) - CloudFront Distributions - Elastic IPs - Route53 Hosted Zones This component assumes that resources it is configured to protect are not already protected by other components that have their `xxx_aws_shield_protection_enabled` variable set to `true`
Deploys [AWS ssosync](https://github
This component is responsible for provisioning user and system IAM roles outside the `identity` account
This component is responsible for provisioning all primary user and system roles into the centralized identity account
This component is responsible for provisioning a generic Bastion host within an ASG with parameterized `user_data` and support for AWS SSM Session Manager for remote access with IAM authentication
This component provisions Glue catalog databases
This component provisions Glue catalog tables
This component creates a Helm release for [cert-manager](https://github
This component is responsible for provisioning cloudtrail auditing in an individual account
This component is responsible for provisioning a bucket for storing cloudtrail logs for auditing purposes
This component is responsible for creation of CloudWatch Log Streams and Log Groups
This component is responsible for provisioning an end-to-end EKS Cluster, including managed node groups and Fargate profiles
This component is responsible for provisioning and managing AWS Cognito resources
This module creates an S3 bucket suitable for storing `AWS Config` data
This component provisions Glue connections
This component provisions Glue crawlers
This component is responsible for provisioning a dashboard an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace
This component installs the `datadog-agent` for EKS clusters
This component is responsible for provisioning SSM or ASM entries for Datadog API keys
This component is responsible for provisioning Datadog AWS integrations
This component is responsible for provision all the necessary infrastructure to deploy [Datadog Lambda forwarders](https://github
This component is responsible for provisioning Datadog Log Archives
This component is responsible for provisioning Datadog monitors and assigning Datadog roles to the monitors
This component is responsible for creating a datadog private location and deploying it to ECS (EC2 / Fargate) ## Usage **Note** The app key required for this component requires admin level permissions if you are using the default roles
This component provides the ability to implement [Datadog synthetic tests](https://docs
This component provisions a Datadog synthetics private location on Datadog and a private location agent on EKS cluster
This component is responsible for provisioning a DNS zone which manages subdomains delegated from a DNS zone in the primary DNS account
This component is responsible for provisioning the primary DNS zones into an AWS account
This component is responsible for provisioning DocumentDB clusters
This component is responsible for provisioning a DynamoDB table
This component is responsible for provisioning VPN Client Endpoints
This component is responsible for provisioning a single EC2 instance
This is copied from [cloudposse/terraform-aws-components](https://github
This component is responsible for provisioning repositories, lifecycle rules, and permissions for streamlined ECR usage
This component is responsible for provisioning an ECS Cluster and associated load balancer
This component is responsible for creating an ECS service
This component is responsible for provisioning an [EFS](https://aws
This component is responsible for provisioning [ElastiCache Redis](https://aws
This component is responsible for provisioning an Elasticsearch cluster with built-in integrations with Kibana and Logstash
This component provisions DMS endpoints
The `eventbridge` component is a Terraform module that defines a CloudWatch EventBridge rule
This component creates a Helm deployment for [external-dns](https://github
This component (ESO) is used to create an external `SecretStore` configured to synchronize secrets from AWS SSM Parameter store as Kubernetes Secrets within the cluster
This component is responsible for provisioning [Github Action Token Rotator](https://github
This component deploys self-hosted GitHub Actions Runners and a [Controller](https://docs
This component is responsible for authorizing the GitHub OIDC provider as an Identity provider for an AWS account
This component is responsible for creating IAM roles for GitHub Actions to assume
This component is responsible for provisioning EC2 instances for GitHub runners
This component provisions a GitHub webhook for a single GitHub repository
This component is responsible for provisioning AWS Global Accelerator and its listeners
This component is responsible for provisioning a Global Accelerator Endpoint Group
This component is responsible for configuring GuardDuty within an AWS Organization
This component is responsible for provisioning an [AWS Transit Gateway](https://aws
This component is responsible for provisioning an [AWS Transit Gateway Peering Connection](https://aws
This component provisions IAM roles required for DMS
This component provisions IAM roles for AWS Glue
This component is responsible for provisioning simple IAM roles
This component is responsible for provisioning [IAM Service-Linked Roles](https://docs
This component is responsible for creating [AWS SSO Permission Sets][1] and creating AWS SSO Account Assignments, that is, assigning IdP (Okta) groups and/or users to AWS SSO permission sets in specific AWS Accounts
This component installs the `idp-roles` for EKS clusters
This component is responsible for provisioning IPAM per region in a centralized account
This component provisions Glue jobs
This component provisions [Karpenter](https://karpenter
This component deploys [Karpenter NodePools](https://karpenter
This component is used to install the KEDA operator
This component is responsible for provisioning an Amazon Kinesis data stream
This component is responsible for provisioning a KMS Key
This component is responsible for provisioning Amazon Lake Formation resources
This component is responsible for provisioning Lambda functions
Grafana Loki is a set of resources that can be combined into a fully featured logging stack
This component is responsible for provisioning a Loki data source for an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace
This component is responsible for configuring Macie within an AWS Organization
This component is responsible for provisioning an Amazon Managed Prometheus data source for an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace
This component creates a Helm release for [metrics-server](https://github
This component is responsible for provisioning an AmazonMQ broker and corresponding security group
This component is responsible for provisioning [Amazon Managed Streaming](https://aws
This component provisions Amazon managed workflows for Apache Airflow
This component is responsible for provisioning [AWS Network Firewall](https://aws
This component creates a Helm release for [aws-node-termination-handler](https://github
This component is responsible for provisioning Opsgenie teams and related services, rules, schedules
This component is responsible for provisioning the surrounding infrastructure for the github runners
This component provisions the an Amazon Managed collector or scraper to connect Amazon Managed Prometheus (AMP) with an EKS cluster
Promtail is an agent which ships the contents of local logs to a Loki instance
This component is responsible for provisioning an RDS instance
This component installs `redis` for EKS clusters
This component installs `redis-operator` for EKS clusters
This component is responsible for provisioning a RedShift instance
This component provisions Glue registries
This component installs the [Stakater Reloader](https://github
This component provisions DMS replication instances
This component provisions DMS replication tasks
This component is responsible for provisioning [Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall](https://docs
This component is responsible for provisioning an RunsOn (https://runs-on
This component is responsible for provisioning S3 buckets
This component provisions Glue schemas
This component is responsible for configuring Security Hub within an AWS Organization
This component is responsible for provisioning SES to act as an SMTP gateway
This component is responsible for provisioning SFTP Endpoints
This component provisions a [Site-To-Site VPN](https://aws
This component sets up the requirements for all other Snowflake components, including creating the Terraform service user
All data in Snowflake is stored in database tables, logically structured as collections of columns and rows
This component is responsible for provisioning an SNS topic
This component is responsible for provisioning: - S3 bucket - CloudFront distribution for a Single Page Application - ACM placed in us-east-1 regardless of the stack region (requirement of CloudFront) NOTE: The component does not use the ACM created by `dns-delegated`, because the ACM region has to be us-east-1
These components are responsible for setting up Spacelift and include three components: spacelift/admin-stack,
This component provisions the `WorkerPool` part of the [Kubernetes Operator](https://docs
This component provisions the controller part of the [Kubernetes Operator](https://docs
This component is responsible for creating and managing the [spaces](https://docs
This component is responsible for provisioning [AWS Transit Gateway](https://aws
This component is responsible for creating an SQS queue
This component is responsible for provisioning Parameter Store resources against AWS SSM
This component reads sso credentials from SSM Parameter store and provides them as outputs ## Usage **Stack Level**: Regional Use this in the catalog or use these variables to overwrite the catalog values
This component is responsible for provisioning `StorageClasses` in an EKS cluster
This component provisions [strongDM](https://www
This component is responsible for provisioning an S3 Bucket and DynamoDB table that follow security best practices for usage as a Terraform backend
AWS Transit Gateway connects your Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and on-premises networks through a central hub.
This component provisions Glue triggers
This component is responsible for provisioning a VPC and corresponding Subnets
This component is responsible for provisioning an encrypted S3 bucket which is configured to receive VPC Flow Logs
This component is responsible for creating a peering connection between two VPCs existing in different AWS accounts
This component is responsible for provisioning an AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) with an associated managed rule group
This component is responsible for provisioning Spacelift worker pools
This component provisions Glue workflows
This component is responsible for provisioning an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace
This component is responsible for provisioning a workspace for Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, also known as Amazon Managed Prometheus (AMP)
This component is responsible for provisioning ZScaler Private Access Connector instances on Amazon Linux 2 AMIs